Other Palliative Care Training Opportunities
National Fellowship in Palliative Nursing: http://palliativecare.in/
Applications are invited from eligible nurses for National Fellowship in Palliative Nursing jointly organised by Institute of Palliative Medicine(WHOCC) Kozhikode and CMAI. The one year fellowship program will start in August 2017. This distance education program includes 10 days of theory classes. Interested candidates may download the Prospectus and Form from the link below.
A list of international training opportunities is maintained by the International Children’s Palliative Care Network:
Online or Electronic Learning Courses
e-Learning Program on Children’s Palliative Care from ICPCN and University of South Wales:
Free online audio recorded lectures about all aspects of paediatric oncology and palliative care
Free online communication training for oncologists
Vital Talk
Educational resources to improve the communication skills of physicians.
Indian Association of Palliative Care
MNJ Cancer Hospital
International Paediatric Palliative Care Fellowship
National Fellowship in Palliative Nursing
Basic Certificate course in Palliative Medicine (BCCPM) – 6 weeks
Basic Certificate course in Palliative Nursing (BCCPN) – 6 weeks
Basic Certificate course in Palliative Care for Palliative Care Assistants – 6 weeks
Introductory Course in Palliative Care- for doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and volunteers – 3 days
Offered at the Department of Palliative Medicine at BSMMU:
Contact: Mr. Julhash Uddin, Centre for Pallaitive Care, 016 7634 8899
The Department of Palliative Medicine at BSMMU
In Bangladesh:
In India:
Basic Certificate in Palliative Medicine (4 weeks)– for Doctors, nurses, psychologists, social workers and other health care professionals
Contact Ms Vineela Rapelli: mnj.palliative@gmail.com
For MD qualified physicians
Contact Ms Vineela Rapelli: mnj.palliative@gmail.com